Topspot has acquired 5 acres of land in the most fertile wayand region of the Nilgiri biosphere.
The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is an International Biosphere Reserve in the Western Ghats and Nilgiri Hills ranges of South India. A fascinating ecosystem of the hill ranges of Nilgiris and its surrounding environments covering a tract of over 5000 square kilometers was constituted as Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in September 1986 under Man and Biosphere Programme. Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve is India's first and foremost biosphere reserves with a heritage, rich in Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants.
We don’t sell products. We provide life. Life to a community who have toiled their sweat on this soil and making it more fertile for generations in future. Given their life. It’s a creation. It’s food. Not Goods. It’s not a run of the mill product. Each Pepper berry has a life of its own. Like yours. Like ours. What you eat is not a machine junk. It’s a creation by mother nature. Every spice we send to you, every herbal oil that’s bottled: all have a story connected to a living being.
We have nature made available in Food and Lifestyle segment. Existence and essence!!
Spices, Dry Fruits, Herbal, Natural and Ayurvedic wellness products, oils, and supplements.
Currently, Topspot Farmacy brings to you whole spices and essential oils specific to one’s need. Currently we bring Black Pepper, Curcumin, Cardamom and Ginger. And in Herbal oil, Aloma specific preparation in treatment of Facial Hair and personal care oils.
Why buy Whole?
Then you are sure that the essential spice oil is not extracted and you are not given a junk of spice pulp. If the oil is taken out the packaged spice would just be a powder made out of the husk or the spent residue from the industrial waste. With whole spice, you make sure that what you grind is what you wanted. The quality of the spice is assured as the whole spice is not the wastage left out from a Spice factory
Moreover, the quality of powder when you grind at home will be much superior to what you buy from store. Also, it is believed that the powder when stored loses its quality with time. The more days you store it as powder the more it loses its punch, vigor and strength. Not to speak about its aroma and flavor.
So, make sure that you buy, cook and eat the best. Whole food is whole food. Buy whole. If you have a grinder at home
The Legendary Wayanad Spices

Herbal, Natural and Ayurvedic.?
Ayurveda has a legendary history of more than 5000 years. It could be more but as Ayurveda and the Indus Valley believed in an open source society no documentary evidence. It’s intentional, some say as they did not want it to be misinterpreted in many different versions. Hence it was passed on only orally to the next generation. Also from Gurus to pupils. And now the world is turning back to this legendary science as it provides solutions from the nature itself. Chemical free, organic, natural and vegan. Of course sustainable.
Topspot has a strategic alliance with a century old Ayureveda Center, Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam popularly known as Samajam. Meaning a society. It’s a registered charitable institution with a strong history. Topspot is marketing many products and currently brings to you Aloma, a solution for Unwanted Facial Hair. Aloma helps women who are irritated by Unwanted Facial Hair and can be applied on any skin type. Aloma can easily be said to be the only permanent solution for UFH.